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Recount text #1 | Went to The Zoo | Tau Gk Sih

Went to the zoo
Last week, I went to the zoo with my family by car. A zoo was interesting place for us because we loved animals. When we had holiday in the zoo, the weather was sunny. We brought food, camera, and newspaper for sitting there. During on the way, we sang together in the car.
After we arrived there, we bought ticket for going into the zoo. The prize of ticket was about thirty thousand rupiahs. I saw many animals in the zoo. My brother and I rode several animals such as elephant, camel there. I took many pictures of animals that I liked. I also took picture together with my family in front of an elephant. I hold on my brother’s hand and went around for seeing some animals one by one. After at 12 AM, we were hungry and tired. We stopped and sit under the tree. My mother served the food for having lunch. We ate together with my father, mother and brother. Then we continued to walk around and bought some souvenirs for my family at home. Then we prepared for going home.
When we arrived at home, we talked together with my family. I felt very happy. My father, mother and my brother were also happy and exited. It was a fun holiday and nice trip for my family. At that time I hoped, next time I will have holiday together with my family again.

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